Montréal - Tiohtià:ke
“Metropolis of Reconciliation”
horizons beyond transitions
Woven sterling silver (repurposed from the Queen Elizabeth hotel silverware), copper (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), steel, steel perforated banding, barbed wire, band saw blades, hand saw, aluminum, brass, wrench, spoons, knives, forks, scissors, toilet handle, nails, chain, steel measuring stick, hinge, tin, text impressions
with back lighting on steel wall bracket / support
33" x 57" x 2" ( 2 foot 9 inches x 4 foot 9 inches x 2 inches deep )
Private Collection
in defining times ..of
Woven sterling silver (repurposed from the Queen Elizabeth hotel silverware), copper (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), steel, steel perforated banding, steel tie wire, screw, saw blades, aluminum, barbed wire, spoon, brass, copper ground plate, copper perforated banding, tape measure, text impressions
with back lighting on steel wall bracket / support
22" x 12" x 2.5" ( 1 foot 10 inches x 1 foot x 2.5 inches deep )
shimmering just future, our...
Woven sterling silver (repurposed from the Queen Elizabeth hotel silverware), copper (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), steel, steel perforated banding, saw blades, aluminum, brass, tin, hinge, tape measure, text impressions
with back lighting on steel wall bracket / support
22" x 16" x 1" ( 1 foot 10 inches x 1 foot 4 inches x 1 inch deep )
pre(co)cious enthusiasm gentil
Woven sterling silver (repurposed from the Queen Elizabeth hotel silverware), copper (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), steel, aluminum, measuring tape, perforated banding, barbed wire, saw blades, text impressions soon,
with back lighting on steel wall bracket / support
9" x 6" x 1" deep
War Party / Shear / Territoire / Ground
Woven steel, aluminum, brass, tin, iron, saw blades, perforated banding, reflective sign, shears, text impressions
with back lighting on steel wall bracket / support.
38" x 61" x 5" ( 3 feet 2 inches x 5 feet 1 inch x 5 inches deep)
Inter / Intra / Plot
Woven saw blades, steel, aluminum, meter stick, barbed wire, reflective signs, curtain track, brass, tin, copper
(repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), text impressions
with back lighting on steel wall bracket/support.
44" x 78" x 5" ( 3 feet 8 inches x 6 feet 6 inches x 5 inches deep )
Private Collection
Field I I
Woven copper (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof) with back lighting on steel wall bracket/support.
90" x 56" x 4" ( 7 feet 6 inches x 4 feet 8 inches x 4 inches deep)
Woven metals, copper (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), text impressions.
on steel wall bracket/support.
4.5" x 3" x 0.5" deep
Private Collection
Woven metals, steel, copper, (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), aluminum, barbed wire, saw blades, text impressions.
3" x 4" x 0.5" deep
Private Collection
Sky Tender
Woven metals, steel banding, saw blades, copper (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), aluminum, barbed wire, text impressions
with back lighting on steel wall bracket/support.
44" x 72" x 4" ( 3 feet 8 inches x 5 feet 8 inches x 4 inches deep )
Private Collection
instigation shifting
Woven metals, aluminum, copper (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), steel, barbed wire, saw blades, perforated banding, text impressions (added post documenting),
with back lighting on steel wall bracket / support.
9" x 10" x 1" deep
frequencies tremor
Woven metals, brass, copper (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), steel, aluminum, tin, saw blades, tape measure.
with back lighting on steel wall bracket / support.
9" x 12" x 1" deep
Private Collection
Bridge / Rigidity / it / I / identities / other
Woven metals, tin, steel, brass, copper (repurposed from Château Frontenac roof), aluminum, text impressions
with back lighting on steel wall bracket/support.
8.5" x 6.5" x 1" deep
Private Collection
Big thanks, wela'lin, photo credits to Jorge Camarotti & Frédéric Chais!
all images and material © Jason Gillingham 2025